Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum. I am Nadia Syamila. Welcome to one of places where I pour my heart, my emotions, my feelings and most of the things out. May we inspire each other. Hope we meet in Jannah. Pray for me. And forgive me for my mistakes. Jazakallahukhayr.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Being gratitude in hardship

Often we percieved trials and pain that we are experiencing is a test of this life.  And in that tests, sometimes as human beings, we made mistakes.

For example when we have fight or misunderstanding with our beloved ones such as family or sahabat or anyone,  we said words that we don't meant it.  We hurt the feelings of people who truly loves us. When we are angry,  our heart and mind cannot think well and said untrue things to people whom we love dearly.

And when the period of hurt is over, it often left with regrets in the heart because 'I shouldn't have said that'.

Sometimes those moments of regrets in our life is a blessing from Allah taala to grant us gratitude.

Remember during the time of Prophet Musa a.s , they were being tested with difficult trials and Allah said so in the Quran.  Allah acknowledge that those people were being tested with difficult tribulations;  theirs' children, theirs' babies were being killed by Fira'un.

SubhanaAllah.  And during that time of hardship..  what is the verse from Allah taala; send down upon Prophet Musa a.s. so that he comfort his nation?

Allah said in the Quran "if you are grateful,  I will increase you"

In the times of hardship,  Allah told them and us all to be grateful.

And in this ayah, if we look grammatically its said even if you are grateful once,  I will increase you.

MashaAllah.  How nice and kind Allah is to us all,  His beloved creations.

Therefore in every of trials and tests of this life,  try to be grateful of what we have instead of thinking about what we don't have yet or the things that are not happen according to what the heart wants.

For example,  yes we have fight with people that we love because he/she doesn't grant us/ be as per we expected but look at the other characters of that person that are soothing to our heart.

Therefore in this ayah meant to actually appreciate and being grateful for little things and big things that occur in life even at that moment we are facing severe hardship. Because Allah said with one hardship there are many eases.


Therefore when we see the beautiful things or characters of a person we love or had; be it from our family or sahabat,  we will become so much in gratitude. And alhamdulillah Allah instill love in that person heart for us. Because imagine if those people whom we love so much doesn't love us?

Love alone is enough to be grateful for, alhamdulillah. May Allah increase us love and harmony between us and the people we love dearly.

Alhamdulillah ya Allah for everything.
May we see the good in everything and become grateful to You ya Allah in everything we do and everything You had bestow us upon.

Ameen ya Rabb.