Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum. I am Nadia Syamila. Welcome to one of places where I pour my heart, my emotions, my feelings and most of the things out. May we inspire each other. Hope we meet in Jannah. Pray for me. And forgive me for my mistakes. Jazakallahukhayr.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

The next day

Alhamdulillah for everything ya Allah

Remember the day when your heart feels burdened and you were feeling so sad.. 
Suddenly the next day everything changes and your heart is so happy and everything is just so wonderful by the will of Allah?.. 

It is because your Creator is so nice and kind towards you. .

Sometimes He tested you with something in this world just because He had reserved you so much happiness afterwards and for the hereafter. 
So know this by heart.. He created us just to pour His infinite Mercy for us.
Thank you ya Rabb for everything.. 

If this world is perfect.. what is the hereafter for? 

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