Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum. I am Nadia Syamila. Welcome to one of places where I pour my heart, my emotions, my feelings and most of the things out. May we inspire each other. Hope we meet in Jannah. Pray for me. And forgive me for my mistakes. Jazakallahukhayr.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Benda yang lebih hebat dari apa yang kita nak

Tau tak apa yang lebih hebat dari benda yg kita nak?

When you really wish for something, you will sacrifice. You will sacrifice your sleep just to meet Him in prayers. You will keep praying and make du'a. You will always believe everything that is impossible to you, possible to Him. You will finally do something that you once thought it is impossible.
Big sacrifices.

Then again, that happens if you really want something.

And you'll notice significant differences in your daily lives. You search Him more. Everything seems so easy for you. Everything in duniya is just so easy for you. There always be help. You always feel somehow peace and just happy.

Note that you are not yet be given something that u really want. That you hope and make du'a always in your prayers.
But you already feel the tenderness and the happiness.

Till you suddenly... sit in your prayers. You feel something.

Its true, you heart still want something in duniya for return. And thats why you did so much. You search Him so much.
But suddenly, when you know what you really want which is more than that. You still want success, u still want this duniya..

But you realize that what your heart really yearns for is being close to Him.
And you realize He had given you that.
And you keep on search for Him, asking prayers to Him,
so that you become more closer each day closer to Him.

Now what's worth more than being close to Allah...
What's worth more than being always remember Him?

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