Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum. I am Nadia Syamila. Welcome to one of places where I pour my heart, my emotions, my feelings and most of the things out. May we inspire each other. Hope we meet in Jannah. Pray for me. And forgive me for my mistakes. Jazakallahukhayr.

Monday, March 19, 2018

My Story

For those who are going to take their SPM result tomorrow, I wrote this last week or so and got a lot positive feedbacks from twitter and instagram hence, may this inspires you. And for those who are currently in the state of being bullied either cyber bully or real life, may this also inspires you.


Back then when I was in MRSM I remember how I was being bullied by certain people and certain seniors. Note that its only certain of them, most of them were very nice to me especially the teachers. I know I forgave them and maybe its my fault too but you don't attack people whom you are jealous with. It shows how lack your manners are and how low you put yourself.

I don't get any chance to speak about them or even talk back about them because I am so busy at that time, now that I remember back those moments,alhamdulillah because of these moments of my life,  Allah rises me up to success. All of my success is belong to Allah. Alhamdulillah.

Alhamdulillah know that, if you put people down or bully them, or attack them, it just shows how immature you are and later in life it will causes you to be in a position of its really hard for you to be successful. Why?  Because theres no barakah when you hurt other people.

If you hurt other people feelings someday later on in your life you will face the same situations as well. At that time you will regret of all what you have done to people. I've got bullied just because I cried a lot when I missed my family back then.

And I've got bullied just because I want to wear beautiful clothes but still covering the aurah.  I've got bullied just because of the way I walk and the way I talk because I am soft and some people cannot stand it.

Think about all of those moments,  my SPM year was the best year of my life.

 I've got 4 flat on first semester in MRSM Taiping Alhamdulillah.I've got first place in Science competition. I've got the top place in Tunas Scientist competition. And I ve been selected as finalist representing Malaysia to go to USA for my very own science project.

And I won Gold Medal for my science project in USA. Alhamdulillah defeating 42 over countries. Being on stage at that time,I forgot all the bad moments that I had been through and just seeing my mum's face saying I am proud of you with tears is just the best sight I've ever seen.

I also won several Gold Medals internationally and my research has been patented and published in Utusan Malaysia back then.  Alhamdulillah.

My SPM trial was 10 As and my SPM result is 9A+ and 1A. I've got offered scholarship without interview and now I am in full scholarship pursuing the career of my dream to be a doctor in one of the best for medical school, Royal College Surgeons of Ireland.

Thinking back,  If i was not able to handle my emotions of how bad I was being bullied last time,  can I go through this far? No.  So if you are in state of being hurted by others, be sabr and be just kind. I promise you Allah will grant you more in everything.

Just be patience and keep on going. Recite Quran always and always perform Sunnah prayers. Always make du'a to Allah. Soon you will be so successful and soon you will be so so happy. All praises to AlMighty alone. Alhamdulillah for everything.

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