Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum. I am Nadia Syamila. Welcome to one of places where I pour my heart, my emotions, my feelings and most of the things out. May we inspire each other. Hope we meet in Jannah. Pray for me. And forgive me for my mistakes. Jazakallahukhayr.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Its beginning is a mercy, its middle is forgiveness and its end is a release from the hellfire. #Ramadan

When you looked up into the dark sky, and the stars beautifully glow and the Surah Al Mulk was recited in deeply such amazing way, touched your heart so much till your eyes just let the drops flow.

If you had your last Ramadan this year, what would you do? :')


Terawih itu bagaikan sinaran permulaan yang indah. Masha Allah.
Ketika engkau berdiri, lama seketika, ingatlah terhadap Rasulullah s.a.w. yg berdiri jauh lebih lama menangis, bengkak kakinya.. Masha Allah. Ternyata dilihat mengapa Allah terlalu menyayangimu ya Rasulullah, Habibullah...

Bagaikan suasana yang pernuh ketenangan, itulah barakahnya Bulan Ramadan. Ramadan, kini engkau bersama kami.
Moga Ramadan ini menjadi sentuhan hati dan amal ibadah buat selama2nya. :')

Love this dua :')

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