Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum. I am Nadia Syamila. Welcome to one of places where I pour my heart, my emotions, my feelings and most of the things out. May we inspire each other. Hope we meet in Jannah. Pray for me. And forgive me for my mistakes. Jazakallahukhayr.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

His repentance was so great

A man. A sinner.
He is so bad that the entire city banished him. He did something very bad that everybody hate him. He is alone. Nobody care for him. One day he passed away.

Allah sends revelation to Prophet of that time, " one of my beloved close friend has died, go wash him, and prepare him Jenazah and go and announce the village that anybody who prays on him is forgiven"

Allah said the repentance of the man was so great that if he ask forgiveness for all mankind , Allah swears by His majesty and His might, He would forgive all of mankind, but the man was very specific to himself because the man feels that he is very bad sinner.

Subhana Allah! The du'a of the man :
"Ya Allah, if i knew by punishing me your greatness will increases and by forgiving me your greatness would decreases.. i would not ask you to forgive me..
But ya Allah, knowing You, by punishing me, your greatness will not increases (Allah is already so Great) , and by forgiving me your greatness will not decreases, please Allah forgive me! " Subhana Allah!

Malay :
(Ya Allah, sekiranya aku tahu bahawa ,dgn Engkau menghukum aku, kebesaran Mu akan bertambah, dan dengan mengampuni aku kebesaran Mu akan berkurang maka, aku tidak minta untuk Engkau ampuni aku.
Tetapi mengetahui Engkau Yang Maha Besar, tetap dengan kebesaranMu walau apapun tidak bertambah dn berkurang, aku mohon ampunkan lah aku.. subhana Allah! ) Amiin. :'

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