Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum. I am Nadia Syamila. Welcome to one of places where I pour my heart, my emotions, my feelings and most of the things out. May we inspire each other. Hope we meet in Jannah. Pray for me. And forgive me for my mistakes. Jazakallahukhayr.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

The First after Allah

Dear everyone, who are muslim or not. I got this question a lot from all of you.

Please learn Islam from the right source.

Do not just learn islam from internet or some ustaz or because it is popular.

REMEMBER THIS. With all your heart, whether you are married or not, your MOTHER, your BIRTH mother is always the first one. 

Although when you have husband or parents in law, your mother and parent is always the first one. 

 It is consistent with Sahih Hadith 

“I asked the Prophet,” What is the main deeds? “He replied,” Praying in time. “I asked again:” Then what else? “He replied,” Devote toward parents. “I asked again,” Then what else? “He replied,” Jihad in the way of Allah.”

“O Rasulullah, I want to perform jihad but I can not do it.” He replied: “Are your parents still alive?” He replied, “Yes, my mother is.” He said: “Meet Allah in state of devotion to parents, when you do that, its equal with you have performed hajj, umrah and jihad.”

And never Once in Quran or SAHIH Hadith, Allah or Rasulullah stated that the first one to you woman after married should be your husband or in laws. Never. Except that nowadays popularity became one, and none SAHIH hadith / verses from Quran supported it.

So please learn from the right source. 

In akhirah, scholars would be one of the first that will enter Jahannam due to false statement that they spread about Islam to people.

Be careful before spread such things. 

ps I love you mummy, Enjoy in aussie. You are always the first after Allah in my heart as it should in Islam and as Allah commanded us to❤️

And even if it was not be commanded, you are always the first.

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