Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum. I am Nadia Syamila. Welcome to one of places where I pour my heart, my emotions, my feelings and most of the things out. May we inspire each other. Hope we meet in Jannah. Pray for me. And forgive me for my mistakes. Jazakallahukhayr.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

What ustaz/ustazah teach us wrong.

What I think that some "islamic teaching" which is for me not real islamic teached us wrong.  You can either accept it or argue it.  But Allah loves those who use the gift of mind to think.

1. You cannot be in haram relationship at all because if you want to be in relationship (guy and girl) then you have to get married.

This is not applicable to everyone. Al-Quran said dont come near zina which is cannot la berdua2an kat tempat xpublic semua but u interpret it as no relationship at all. Then how to get to know each other. Takkan la kahwin je sembarangan and tengok biodata orang tu. Come on la xlogik. Dulu nadia beria la dengar certain ustazah la kata kena bercinta lepas kahwin la and teruk sgt la if couple before kahwin. Come on.. U supposed to think la?  Benda ni xlogik if kahwin je mcm tu tnpa get to know betul betul each other dulu tengok serasi ke tak.  Sebab tu la ramai sgt yang divorce skrg ni. Plus married? Not everyone have the money to afford wedding terus.  So mcm xyah la ya ustaz utazah sekalian cakap benda benda mcm xapplicable mcm ni.  Moderate kan senang.  Cuba cakap mcm ni.  Jangan berjumpa berdua2an tmpat yang xde orang.  Jangan pegang pegang before halal. Boleh je in relationship since its harus since its usaha for cari jodoh terbaik and serasi for us.  Kan senang?  :)

2. Walau apa pun u xleh argue kat ur parents langsung. Even say ah uh eh oh eeeh.  Hello?  Kita ni manusia biasa not perfect.  Come on la. Tk logik langsung. Even nabi kata those who do not give mercy wont receive mercy. Plus kita xleh la expect our parents perfect juga. So both tolerate la. Baik ngan parents sudah. If smpai xleh ckp eh uh oh ah.. Baik jadi robot xde perasaan. Allah xpernah expect perfection pun from us tp ustaz ustazah yang cakap mcm ni yang buat kita push too hard on ourselves.

3.  Keluar mmg xleh make up lgsg sedikit pun xboleh kena no perhiasan plus baju cannot cantik sbb why nak cantik sgt.  Haish. Ni pun terlalu extreme. Nnti kata tabaruj la apa la. Sebab tu la youngster skrg memberontak tau. Sbb everything too extreme. Tgk sekarang betapa ramai show off benda atas benda yang xpatut show off even dye muslim. Because benda mcm ni sgt extreme expectations mcm ni sgt la xmembantu dyerang especially those yang feel insecure pakai tudung or pakai tutup aurat. And kita xboleh nak salahkan dyerang cuba korang dapat rasa insecure tu sbb tulah. Moderate sudah. Tutup aurat proper nak pakai cantik mcm mana pakai la suka hati la. Nak pakai foundation nak jaga muka nak nampak cantik suka hati la haish.

4. Kalau pakai perfume or yang apa ikat rambut nampak mcm unta dalam tudung tu tkkan cium bau syurga. Mak ai. Why so extreme. First hadith tu betul betul ke hadith sahih. Check dulu before nak sebar sebarkan.i tak caya lgsg hadith tu dr mulut Rasulullah yang baginda sendiri kata "be easy on people". Be easy on people, do u get it? Takkan la bau busuk keluar, pakai je la perfume ke deodarant ke apa ke. And basuh la rambut dalam tudung tu bagi wangi.

5. Dah la penat nak cakap. Fikir fikir kan lah.