Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum. I am Nadia Syamila. Welcome to one of places where I pour my heart, my emotions, my feelings and most of the things out. May we inspire each other. Hope we meet in Jannah. Pray for me. And forgive me for my mistakes. Jazakallahukhayr.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

What is excellence state of mind?


Alhamdulillah Eyes Casualty (Eyes emergency unit attachment)  today. Caramel Latte with coconut milk keep me awake all day❤

So I wanna write something to share with all of you especially hard core instagrammers (including myself sometimes) .

I believe generations nowadays are more keen to be influenced by the social medias such as instagram, twitter and so on. For examples,  there are lots of muslimah modelling entertainment or make-up/shawl tutorials or anything involving beauty or superficial relationship goals in the Social Media.

Don't get me wrong. I don't say that it is not right to be influenced by the celebrity of social media or the superficial relationship goals potrayed by Instagram and twitter, for example.

However, these predicaments would lead to oneself of becoming less ambition and less motivated to study hard and achieve the realistic careers in one's life; be it in the course of Medicine,  Architecture, Engineering, Laws,  Arts,  Business,  Human Resources, Accountancy and many more!

I mean, I know people who used to be very hardworking, becoming less interested in study due to the input of beauty and wealthiness of the instagram's celebrity that has been influencing her own mind. Moreover, there are a lot of people becoming more insecure and lack of confidence due to certain way of beauty interpretation by the social media that has influenced theirs very own mind. This is a very dangerous way and state of one's thought.

Now let me tell you..

We are all very unique in ours specialty.  Some can memorise very well,  some are very talented in speech and some can draw very well. We are all have our very own unique talent/talents.

Allah has given us the ability to explore our very own talents by using the gifts that He has given us in a right way.

So what I meant is; we should maintain our perspective and action in the right way.  For example don't spend too much time in social media till our time become unmanageable and that we lose the time for our family,  to study hard,  to spend real communication with real people,  to do good deeds like reciting the Quran,  to perform more Sunnah prayers and so on.

Besides that,  do not influenced by the wealthiness of some people by just being celebrity of Instagram and that those things caused us to be lazy and less interested in achieving realistic careers.  We need more people in the industry that are beneficial to other people.

Yes,  we can spend time in social media during our spacious time but know our limits and make sure that the instagrammers do not influence our mind to become unrealistic about ones achievement, beauty and wealthiness.

We have to work hard to achieve goodness in this life and hereafter. We have to be passionate in achieving our very own dreams. We have to be realistic and more hardworking.

There is no short cut to success.  Its our own efforts and passionate being that determine our very own success.

Trust me if we work very hard,  we will be very satisfied with our success that will be given by Allah taala.  And one day you will look back, and say "alhamdulillah, I have made it through".

Be passionate in achieving true success of this life and hereafter. Be happy for ones happiness, knowing that if Allah can give to them, their happiness and success,  Allah will give to you to.

Be hardworking for Allah loves those who are continously, passionately doing efforts and hasten towards success.

Remember what Allah has said,  "What is the reward of excellence other than excellence?"

Nadia Syamila

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